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Lignos X

iff consulting & software GmbH
Gartenstrasse 2
D-72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler
fon: +49 (0)7445 85220
fax: +49 (0)7445 852299
e-mail: info@***SPAMSCHUTZ***

You want to know everything about Lignos?

Of course we cannot depict all the strengths of Lignos-X adequately in an abstract overview like this.

Single features will be listed/surfaces shown, but it's the inner values that count.

This is quite similar to an iceberg:
- You can see 10% and 90% are below the surface.
But: Don't be afraid of icebergs ...

With Lignos-X you can also see, whats "under the surface", because we consequently keep order in our system.

Sie sehen auch das transparent, was "unter der Oberfläche" ist.  LIGNOS-X hat überall eine penible konsequente Ordnung.
Gerne helfen wir Ihnen, leicht zu navigieren.

LIGNOS-X - Einheitliche einfache Handhabungsprinzipien (Kopie 1)

The user interfaces of all applications follow the same principles.
The ergonomical aspect has always been one of our main concerns, especially in the last years.
Because of that the inductory training of the general handling can be done in a very short time.

           - das lernt sich, wie von selbst -


With us you can "press every button".
You can reach all information wit just a few clicks.