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4/19/2024 : 1:36 pm : +0200

Lignos X

iff consulting & software GmbH
Gartenstrasse 2
D-72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler
fon: +49 (0)7445 85220
fax: +49 (0)7445 852299
e-mail: info@***SPAMSCHUTZ***

Databases - quite simple...

CRM-Addressdateabase - Customer Relation Management-

customers /suppliers / interessted parties

and subordinations
    e.g. Employees of the customer / supplier
    or affiliations:
            - consumer, regitered through the internet
            - belongs to a trading partner, etc.

simple and clear qualification and seleczion of the data.

- with automatised connections (mail, web, telephony)
- import of foreign data
- connected to the  document-management-system

Here you will always keep track of everything - product reference data - all in one

Despite many concatenations...
- one mouse click -  ... and you will see the connection.

All Information an classification criteria that are connected in some kind are clearly linked, that you can keep track of even the most complex coherencies.